Recent Work

assembled sculptures | copper wire sculptures | paintings | etchings & linocuts | drawings


Cubist Man, mixed media 21 x 18 x 14 cm
Falling Guy, painted wood. 16 x 19 x 10 cm
Vita Mundi, painted wood 19 x 16 x 10 cm
Fat Woman, painted wood, 33 x 28 x 9 cm
Box Girls, painted wood 15 x 15 x 17
The Abyss (Nietzsche), painted wood 15 x 9 cm
Pot Art (always preferrable to Pop art), 30 x 25 cm
Inside Outside Girls, painted wood 25 x 14 x 14 cm
Flying Woman, painted wood 40 x 50 x 25 cm
Puzzle People, painted wood 10 x 8 x 12 cm
Theatre of Life, mixed media 40 x 45 x 35 cm The interior is painted in part with a 98% non-reflective black. Since it is almost impossible to see a shadow on it (at least in the video) because so much of the light is absorbed, much of the detail inside is lost.

Copper Wire Sculptures

Falling, copper on wood base 35 x 45 x 30 cm
Flying Woman, copper on wooden base 43 x 35 x 40 cm
Jumper, copper on wood base 40 x 25 cm
Handstand, copper wire on wood base 40 x 20 cm


Since I am the only one willing to pose whenever I want to paint, I have done another self-portrait!

Still exploring Rembrandt’s materials & techniques. I made the ground as he used to, with silica sand & Stand oil (excellent texture & absorbency), & am grinding the same pigments he used into paint as I go.

There is so much to learn from the master that I experiment with different things on each painting to avoid the confusion of trying it all at once–but I am incorporating the lessons as I go. In this one I have re-introduced black (practically banned since the Impressionists) not as a colour (black made from mixing other colours is not as rare) but as a pigment that makes unique new colours when mixed with others. For a while, in his late period, Rembrandt used only bone black, lead white, vermillion & yellow Ochre. You would never guess his palette was so limited, because of the range you can get from mixing black with warm colours.

Oils on linen 46 x 33 cm (20 x 16″)
Self portrait 50 x 40 cm oils on linen
NYC Subway, Oils on canvas, 50 x 40 cm (20 x 16″) 2022
Life's Vortex, acrylics & oils on canvas 80 x 50 cm
Life’s Vortex, acrylics & oils on canvas 80 x 50 cm
Nude study
Nude study, oils on canvas 80 x 40 cm
Death whispers in the ear of the naked painter
Death whispers in the ear of the naked painter, acrylics & oils on canvas 80 x 50 cm
Nude study 2, acrylics & oils on canvas 80 x 50 cm

Etchings & Linocuts

Death on the Bus, copper etching 20 x 13 cm
Death & the multitude, copper etching 13 x 20 cm
Self portrait, copper etching 16 x 8 cm
Jitterbug, linocut 28 x 36 cm
Covid Tango, linocut 26 x 20 cm
Paula on her deathbed, monotype 29 x 42 cm

Paula on her deathbed, monotype 29 x 42 cm


The Last Leaf, ballpoint pen on paper, 42 x 29 cm
The Last Leaf, ballpoint pen on paper, 42 x 29 cm
Frank, Conté crayon on paper 42 x 29 cm
Frank, Conté crayon on paper 42 x 29 cm
Nude study 3, pastels 29 x 42 cm
Nude studies, brush & ink
Brush & ink study, 42 x 29 cm