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A monk's funeral


Fixing cables to the pyre in the distance One of three close ups where you can see how men inside the elephant (Ganesh) head move it from side to side. One of three close ups where you can see how men inside the elephant (Ganesh) head move it from side to side. One of three close ups where you can see how men inside the elephant (Ganesh) head move it from side to side.Bamboo cable lifters. Young monk Pulling the ropes the procession begins with the top of the pyre removed to allow it to pass under the electric cables Old woman making the walk to the cremation place Problem in the distance- the pyre again doesn't fit under an electric cable

Problem solved! A crane is called in that pushes the cable up until it breaks... everyone claps & laughs

Snapped! As the sun sets- ceremony & dancers Setting sun reflecting on pyre Coloured smoke Fireworks More fireworks More fireworks Prayers And it begins to burn Burn 2 Burn 3 And the full moon rises Burn 4Burn 5 Burn 6 Burn 7 Tired boy at the end of the long day


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.A Monk's Funeral: